I woke up at 5.30AM today with a refreshed and fulfilled mind. This is my first time actually waking up this early for a purpose. SEED and THIRST CG are going for a dim sum party, YEA!!!!! It challenges me to see so many people who turned up for the session, though some tried hard but cannot make it….well, we were supposedly to leave Cyberjaya at 6AM, but due to some constraints, we leaved at 6.40AM, and headed towards Sri Petaling to a restaurant called ‘The Dim Sum House’ .Throughout the journey there, we passed by International Medical College(IMU) and also the famous Bukit Jalil National Sports Stadium. 16 of us were in the group which are assigned with a mission - To eat up everything till there isn’t anymore left . we went there in 3 carsand reached the place around 7.20AM.
Upon reaching the place and taking our seats, the food arrived. This was my firt time eating Dim Sum with University’s friends, though the Dim Sum tradition has been around for 2 years. We went straight into whacking the siew mai, har mai, sui gao, and everything we could lay our hands on (payment were not thought of for 1 hour) we just eat and eat until someone crack a joke. It goes something like ->
“The great balls of dim sum that stick together”.
He’s referring to the siew mai’s which were stick together and he wanted to separate them.. We laughed and laughed till I spilled some tea on my pants, Boy, that was hilarious, and ermm, sexist…hahahahhaa….Great joke there brother, keep up the joking spirit!! We had a wonderful time ordering various dishes, and I’ve not tried Dim Sum for about a few years already. The fellowship of the ring was very good, had several people joking around, and I got to hear that seminars cost a bomb. One person have to pay something like a few thousand ringgit just to hear talks. One commented that every word that one hears during the talks is worth 100 bucks. That’s the business revolution eh, soon now or later people will be paying not for works, but for words. Pretty cool….i am going to be a motivator consultant when i grow up, screw IT, hehehehe..:) (more like a de-motivator, LOL)
We leave the place at 8.25, as some people has to go to work and to do course registration at 9, well, what I can say about today is
-> Daniel , Ben, and Kevin, great job in organizing, appreciates your help verrrrrry much!!!” <-
-> Seed-lings and Thirst-lings, you guys rocks and I am encouraged by the passion shown for CG. Keep it up!! <-
-> Friends from other CG’s, thanks for coming, though you guys are busy with work and assignments….Thanks <-
Now I am back in my house, getting ready for test and assignment submission…..